Goat Shenanigans

I’ve already admitted that I’m a crazy goat lady in a previous post. But with spring in the air and baby goats coming to our house throughout spring and summer its going to get crazier. I am assuming that most of you reading this are not super interested in receiving every single goat update so I am going to spare you the melodramatics.

However, for those of you who ARE interested about the goings on of my micro farm, I’ve created a separate website where I’ll be sharing plenty of information about my goats, goat milk, goat kidding, goat tips, etc.. The Four Leaves Farm website can be found here.

I’ll be listing information about my current herd and the goats I have for sale as they become available on that website. In ADDITION, thanks to a new bill that was recently passed by my awesome local legislator Mark Roberts, I am legally able to sell my raw goat milk to informed customers in my local area! I am creating a “Milk List” you can get on to try or regularly receive fresh, raw, delicious goat milk from yours truly! (look for the “contact” section on my website) Even if you’ve never tried goat milk before come try it so you can see how yummy it is! My husband doesn’t like any milk but of course I forced him to try mine and he said it is good…despite the fact that its milk. 😉 If you are in Utah County and are interested in tasting or purchasing milk regularly please let me know!

That’s all for now! Even if you don’t want to follow all my goat shenanigans I hope you can still appreciate pictures of adorable baby goats! They are pretty irresistible once you hold them and watch them do parkour all over your yard.

Love, Katie